Category: Lifestyles

Reports summarizing February home sales in the Twin Cities signal housing is on track for the spring market, according to the MAAR. Minneapolis real estate expert Home Destination, a RE/MAX Results Realtor, reports on the latest number of home sales and spring's housing market looks sunny.

Homeowners in the Twin Cities region are content to move less often than national averages, according to numbers in Realtor Magazine's report. Home Destination, a residential real estate agent with RE/MAX Results serving the Minneapolis metro, summarizes findings about residents tenure and how the location of a Twin Cities home prompts most moving decisions.

Twin Cities home sales started 2015 strong, according to housing data provided by Northstar MLS. Real estate expert Jenna Thuening, owner of Home Destination and a RE/MAX Results agent, reports on how the solid start creates a burst of optimism in Twin Cities real estate.

More environmentally-sustainable green homes in the Twin Cities are slated to be built in 2015, according to the City of Minneapolis. Home Destinations, a RE/MAX Results real estate agent in the metro comments on the Green Homes North Program and how this will add to available green home listings for metro home buyers.

Zillow recently reported that affordability is holding back too many potential Millennial home buyers. The Twin Cities Millennial Home Buying Report by Home Destination, a RE/MAX Results Realtor serving the Twin Cities, comments on the possible reasons why some Millennials hold back from buying a home.

The dreaded impact on housing if Millennials do not queue up to buy homes comes forward in recent reports from EliteDaily, Millennial Branding, and Zillow. Home Destination, a RE-MAX Results Realtor, services residential real estate buyers and sellers in the Twin Cities and summarizes Millennial home buyer activity in the metro.